Dear Diary,

This is Kimmy. Kimmy has been my thick and thin friend for the past 3 years. We started teaching at the same time. She has been my shoulder to cry on, my friend to laugh with (or at occasionally), basically my Dee-ay-double-you-gee, dawg!! I knew that the day was coming when she would have to abandon me, but I really thought we would be able to finish out the year. But something came between us. What you might ask?? A boy!!! I know, I'll let you catch your breath for a second...
I used to be able to e-mail her at any point during the day, mostly to talk about some crazy student, or an even CRAZIER parent. But there will be no more of that. Monday, something happened in class and the first thing I thought about was telling Kimmy. Well, 3 text messages, and 2 sore thumbs later, I decided that this just wasn't going to work. A story that used to take one quick e-mail is now a never ending text message. I don't think I can keep that up.
Mama always said, "Killer, never let a boy come between two friends. Boys come and go, but friends...they're forever." Well, mama must have never seen a cute thang like this before (or had some of the crazy friends I've had!!)
Maddox's outfit is a courtesy of K.O. (killer's orignals)
Kimmy, you can let this angel come between us any time!! I will truly miss you next year!
Love and Hugs,