Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It seems like lately I haven't had very much to write about. For the most part school is going pretty good, as far as me and my classes go. So I decided that with football season in full swing, and a major SEC East football game coming up Saturday (#6 Georgia vs #8 Florida), this would be a perfect time to post a few pics of the fam in our gator gear. Unfortunately, all of us don't bleed orange in blue, so they had to be left out of the know how it is!
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2:40 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Blog Facelift
Dear Diary,
I am so lucky to have a friend like Lindsey B across the hall from me. Is it weird to say that she completes me? Whatever if it is!! She is like everything that I want to be when it comes to computer literacy! She has completely helped me pimp my blog. I don't know how or what she did. I don't think I could even change it if I wanted to. The whole time she was trying to show me I just kept getting further and further lost. The best thing is that she loves this. I kept feeling like I was burdening her by asking for help, and she was like so totally on top of the whole thing. I guess she is as much a computer nerd, as I am a math dork...and I love it!! Thanks Baggs!!
Love and Hugs,
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1:18 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Family Portrait

This weekend while I was at home for fall break, my mom was very insistent that we get a family portrait. I was so pleased with the way that they turned out. These aren't the ones taken by the professional (we have to wait for those). I just snapped these in between shots. In case you are wondering, the loser in the pink and blue striped shirt would be my little sister. She was sooo adamant that she was not going to match everyone else. My mom claims that at her age (which is not even that old), some things aren't worth fighting over. Whatever, me and my brother kept telling her that she ruined the picture. Though, actually, they still didn't turn out too bad!
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12:05 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Finally Figured It Out!!
I finally figured out how to do this collage thing. I thought I would start with some school portraits at kinder-care!
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2:45 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Some People are NEVER satisfied!!
Dear Diary,
Have you ever had a friend who you just can't please? Well I have one! I don't want to call her out so for the sake of keeping her identity concealed, I'll call her "Mrs. Jones". First, I was in the hot seat for not writing enough. So to make her happy, I decided to write two in one day. Wouldn't you know that now I'm in trouble for not enclosing enough info about our Homecoming game. Just FHE (for her information) we did win the game, and it was so exciting! Also, one of my dear favorite students was crowned queen. The sweetest part about this is that her dad is head football coach at a neighboring private school, and he missed their homecoming game (or at least the first half) to escort sweet is that.
Also, I'm sure "Mrs. Jones" would hate for me to leave this last story from the game out. During the game Friday night I decided to sit with Izzy and the gang. Let me also say that I never know who "the gang" will consist of. So Maddox wakes up from his nap and he is a little rank if you know what I mean. As soon as I point this out Izzy is the first to holler 'not it', followed by Adam. I must have been the last to say not it because I got stuck changing him. So Lindsey B (a girl I teach with) volunteers to go with me to the bathroom. Wouldn't you know there was not a changing station in sight, so we decide to go to Kimmy's car. We get all the way out to the parking lot in our heels, get Big Mad undressed just to realize that there is not a SINGLE wipe in the joint. (Please understand that I had just informed Kimmy that the child needed more.) We searched the car high and low and all we could find were a pack of preparation H wipes and one, count em one, napkin that hadn't been written on (there were about 12 that had been). We were a little skeptical about the medicated wipes so I had to make due with that one napkin. The things you do for people you love!
Love and Hugs,
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1:43 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Homecoming Week
Dear Diary,
So, last week was homecoming at school. This is about the most exciting week of school for me second only to Exams. The reason is because it is the one week that I give little thought as to what I wear to school. You may or may not know that I am known around school as the teacher who never wears the same outfit twice in a school year. I may wear the same pants, but never with the same shirt. And I can think of only a handful of times that I have worn the same shirt in a school year. I could go into all the details of how this crazy system came about, but that is another story for another blog! Anyways, everyday of the week we have dress up days, and the last week we get to wear our homecoming shirt with blue jeans. Yes, we the teachers actually get to wear jeans to school. This is why I love this week. I don't have to stare at my closet for what seems like an eternity and try to remember if I have worn this shirt or that dress. I took some pictures of me and some of my kids on the different days of the week.
Monday- A Winning Tradition (Toga Day) (sorry I didn't have enough time to put a toga know how mondays are!
Tuesday- Know Your Opponent Day (We played Montgomery Catholic High School)

We actually didn't plan to look like this. I was fussing at her about something
Wednesday-Total Domination (Sports) Day
Thursday- Drive The Nights Crazy (Wacky Day)
Friday- Sprit Day (Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of me with my H.C. shirt)
Love and Hugs,
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1:19 PM
Kinder-Care In Room 109

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11:50 AM